Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Punitive Articles of the UCMJArticles 77134
Punitive Articles of the UCMJArticles 77134Punitive Articles of the UCMJ- Articles 77134The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is the bedrock of military law. The UCMJ is a federal law, enacted by Congress. Articles 77 through 134 of the UCMJ are known as the punitive articles. these are specific offenses which, if violated, can result in punishment by court-martial. Many will also likely have civilian court cases as well if other local laws were broken too such as driving drunk to rape or murder. The UCMJ and theManual for Court Martial (MCM) The law requires the Commander-in-Chief (The President of the United States) to implement the provisions of the UCMJ. The President does this via an executive order known as the Manual for Court Martial (MCM). Chapter 4 of the MCM includes, and expands on the punitive articles. The articles are broken into the following sections The Text This is the exact text of the article, as Congress approved it in the UCMJ.Elements unterstellung a re the specifics of the offense. To support a finding of guilty, the government must prove each element of the offense, beyond a reasonable doubt.Explanation The explanation defines terms, and clarifies the elements, based on previous court decisions.Lesser Included Offense These are lesser offenses that a military court may still find an accused guilty of, even if the court finds the accused not guilty of the originally charged offense. For example, Manslaughter, under Article 119 is a lesser included offense of Murder, under Article 118. If a military court finds the accused not guilty of the crime of Murder, the court can still find the accused guilty of Manslaughter, without the government having to amend the charges. Maximum Permissible Punishments These are the *maximum* punishments that a general court-martial can award toward a particular offense. While not specifically stated, a general court-martial can also reduce a persons grade. Most generals court martialreduce the con victed persons grade to the lowest enlisted rank (E-1) when punishment includes time in prison or a punitive discharge. Who Is Subject to the UCMJ? Articles 2 and 3 of theUniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) outline who is subject to the code and all of its regulations, including the punitive articles (Articles 77134). Overview of the PunitiveArticles (Articles 77134) Each of the punitive articles of the UCMJ is listed below with a brief description of the offense the article covers. The list is long and fairly explanatory of the chargeable offenses of the UCMJ. Article 77 -Principals Association -Article 77 does not define an offense. Its purpose is to make clear that a person need not personally perform the acts necessary to constitute an offense to be guilty of it. Article 78 -Accessory after the fact Article 79-Conviction of lesser included offenses Article 80 -Attempts Article 81 -Conspiracy Article 82 -Solicitation Article 83 -Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or se paration Article 84- Effecting unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation Article 85 - Desertion Article 86 - Absence without leave (AWOL) Article 87 - Missing movement Article 88 - Contempt toward officials Article 89 - Disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer Article 90 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer Article 91 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer Article 92 -Failure to obey order or regulation Article 93 - Cruelty and maltreatment Article 94 -Mutiny and sedition Article 95 -Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape Article 96-Releasing prisoner without proper authority Article 97 -Unlawful detention Article 98 -Noncompliance with procedural rules Article 99 -Misbehavior before the enemy Article 100-Subordinate compelling surrender Article 101-Improper use of countersign Article 102-Forcing a safeguard Article 103 -Captured or abandoned property Article 104 -Aiding the ene my Article 105-Misconduct as a prisoner Article 106/a-Spies / Espionage Article 107 - False official statements Article 108 -Military property of the United States- sale, loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition Article 109 -Property other than military property of the United States- waste, spoilage, or destruction Article 110-Improper hazarding of vessel Article 111 -Drunken or reckless rechenschritt of vehicle, aircraft, or vessel Article 112 -Drunk on duty Article 112a -Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances Article 113 - Misbehavior of sentinel or lookout Article 114 -Dueling Article 115 -Malingering Article 116-Riot or breach of peace Article 117 -Provoking speeches or gestures Article 118 -Murder Article 119 -Manslaughter Article 120 -Rape and carnal knowledge Article 120 -Rape, sexual assault, and other sexual misconduct. Article 120a - Stalking Article 121 - Larceny and wrongful appropriation Article 122 -Robbery Article 123 -Forgery Article 123a - Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds Article 124- Maiming Article 125-Sodomy Article 126-Arson Article 127-Extortion Article 128-Assault Article 129-Burglary Article 130-Housebreaking Article 131-Perjury Article 132-Frauds against the United States Article 133-Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman Article 134-General article Article 134-1-Abusing public animal Article 134-2-Adultery Article 134-3-Assault- indecent Article 134-4-Assault- with intent to commit murder, voluntary manslaughter, rape, robbery, sodomy, arson, burglary, or housebreaking Article 134-5-Bigamy Article 134-6 -Bribery and graft Article 134-7-Burning with intent to defraud Article 134-8 -Check, worthless, making and uttering- by dishonorably failing to maintain funds Article 134-9-Cohabitation, wrongful Article 134-10- Correctional custody- offenses against Article 134-11-Debt, dishonorably failing to pay Article 134-12-Disloyal statements Article 134-13-Disorderly conduct, drunkenness Article 134-14-Drinking liquor with prisoner Article 134-15-Drunk prisoner Article 134-16-Drunkenness- incapacitation for performance of duties through prior wrongful indulgence in intoxicating liquor or any drug Article 134-17-False or unauthorized pass offenses Article 134-18-False pretenses, obtaining services under Article 134-19-False swearing Article 134-20-Firearm, discharging- through negligence Article 134-21-Firearm, discharging- willfully, under such circumstances as to endanger human life Article 134-22-Fleeing scene of accident Article 134-23-Fraternization Article 134-24-Gambling with subordinate Article 134-25-Homicide, negligent Article 134-1- Impersonating a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer, or an agent or official Article 134-26- Indecent acts or liberties with a child Article 134-27-Indecent exposure Article 134-28- Indecent language Article 134-29-Indecent acts with another Article 134-30-Jumping from vessel into the w ater Article 134-31-Kidnapping Article 134-32-Mail taking, opening, secreting, destroying, or stealing Article 134-33-Mails depositing or causing to be deposited obscene matters in Article 134-34 -Misprision of serious offense Article 134-35-Obstructing justice Article 134-36 -Wrongful interference with an adverse administrative proceeding Article 134-37-Pandering and prostitution Article 134-38-Parole, Violation of Article 134-39-Perjury subornation of Article 134-40-Public record altering, concealing, removing, mutilating, obliterating, or destroying Article 134-41-Quarantine medical, breaking Article 134-42 -Reckless Endangerment Article 134-43-Requesting commission of an offense Article 134-44-Restriction, breaking Article 134-45 -Seizure destruction, removal, or disposal of property to prevent Article 134-46-Self-injury without intent to avoid service Article 134-47-Sentinel or lookout offenses against or by Article 134-48-Soliciting another to commit an offense Article 134-49- Stolen property knowingly receiving, buying, concealing Article 134-50-Straggling Article 134-51-Testify wrongful refusal Article 134-52-Threat or hoax bomb Article 134-53-Threat, communicating Article 134-54-Unlawful entry Article 134-55-Weapon concealed, carrying Article 134-56-Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button
Friday, December 27, 2019
The Multiple Benefits of a Workplace Wellness Program
The Multiple Benefits of a Workplace Wellness ProgramThe Multiple Benefits of a Workplace Wellness ProgramThe Multiple Benefits of a Workplace Wellness Program DeZubeAre you looking to improve your health of your workers? If so, youre on to something.Investing in a workplace wellness programcan provide broad-reaching benefits for your company, not just employees. Wellness can improveyour employer brand, build loyalty among current employees and may even save you money, experts say. Yet, finding a program that works can be a challenge, especially for growing companies with limited budgets.Promoting workforce health can also help make your organization an employer of choice, especially for younger workers, says health and productivity management expert Ron Z. Goetzel, Ph.D., vice president of consulting and applied research for Truven Health Analytics and director of the Institute for Health and Productivity Studies at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.If y our employees are mostly stressed out 30- or 40-year-olds who eat too much and dont exercise, youre not going to turn that around overnight, warns Goetzel.In general, the most effective wellness programsCreate a culture of healthCover any number of health challenges, including smoking, obesity, exercise, stress, mental health and even workplace violenceGet coworkers to join together as compatriots working toward a common goalAnd there are mora potential benefits. The right employee health program can help boost employee productivity, says David A. Sharar, Ph.D., chief clinical officer, Chestnut Global Partners, Bloomington, Illinois, which provides employee assistance programs.An effective workplace wellness program might even save your organization money, depending on how you meakoranvers costs and benefits (check out how Wisconsin-based furniture manufacturer KI rewards employees for being healthy.)Heres how to get started.Get the Most from your Wellness BudgetHow do you get the m ost bang from your employee wellness budget? The Transamerica Center for Health Studies report, From Evidence to Practice Workplace Wellness that Works, is a good place to find reliable suggestions that are free or low-cost for improving employee health, Goetzel says.With so many wellness programs out there, it can be tough to find the right one for your company. The Centers for Disease Controls Workplace Scorecard can help you set priorities for health programs.Survey your Employees on HealthTools and checklists alone wont create a healthy workplace. Wellness programs succeed when theyreTailored to an organizations cultureRegularly evaluatedGiven the time to become ingrained in the workplaceOne way to make sure your wellness program fits your company culture is to ask employees what health issues they want to tackle, says David W. Ballard, director of the American Psychological Associations Center for Organizational Excellence.Armed with a short list of health concerns, focus your efforts on a particular health condition. For example, ATT employees improved their heart health by losing 40,000 pounds and logging 2 million miles during the Chairmans Challenge, a competition where individuals and groups competed to see who could lose the most weight, stop smoking, and get healthier.Create a Flexible Work EnvironmentIf your work practices are not aligned with wellness, your program is likely to fail. In other words, you need to walk the talk.PricewaterhouseCoopers encourages its teams to support coworkers who need flexibility to engage in activities like yoga. Maybe you want to go to yoga and another person wants to go to their kidsperformance, says PwC Global Talent Leader Mike Fenlon. It starts with trust that youre not going to view me as less committed to the team if flexibility matters to me.Promoting workplace wellness isnt a one-time effort. Its an ongoing journey thats informed by an understanding of your employee population. When done well, it provides a win-win benefit that improves your employees well-being and the health of your business.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
How to Source and Interview Retail Sales Associates
How to Source and Interview Retail Sales AssociatesHow to Source and Interview Retail Sales AssociatesHow to Source and Interview Retail Sales Associates CleaverRetail sales associatesare face-to-face with customers, translating the retail brands marketing to a customer impression. A great sales associate makes customers feel welcome and glad they have come in to the store or called to place an order. It can be a demanding job, but good a retail sales associate is energized by helping customers achieve their own goals.After all, a customer comes in looking for something. A good retailsalesassociate helps the customer find what she wantsandhands hera bit of happiness with the merchandise.Thus retail sales associates must providegreat customer serviceand demonstrate your companysworkplace ethicsand mission with customers.These tips on how to source and interview retail sales associates with the skills you need to help your retail business succeed.Key Skills for Retail Sales AssociatesR etail sales associates positions have few prerequisites as manyretail salesperson jobs areentry-level. Accomplished sales associates typically prove their prowess by their track records, not by accumulating certifications.Enthusiasm for the product and thecompany brandAbility to engage customersAwareness of their own motivatorswhat keeps them stoked?Willingness to be coached and to changeFluent EnglishFluency in Spanish or other languages commonly spoken in your marketClean, neat appearance and friendly mannerAptitude for keeping up with ever-changing point-of-sale technologyPatienceRecruiter TipTheres a reason why stores deutsche post ag signs on their own doors that they are hiring current customers who know and like the retaileras well as its point of view and productsare prime candidates because they are already understand yourcompany brand.How to Source Retail Sales AssociatesUndergrads who are majoring in retailClubs and groups at local high schools and universitiesNetworks fo r stage-of life candidates who want part-time work (retirees, parents of young children)Candidates willing to work particular shifts, such as weekendsRecruiter TipThe Container Store, a company thats renowned for its vibrant workplace culture, hires only 3% of applicants, says Kevin Knapp, recruiting and talent director.To find the best, store managers invite all applicants to group interviews conducted as store tours. Staff observations and interactions determine who is invited back for structured one-on-one interviews. While the Container Store uses behavioral interview techniques, we are very conversational, because that reflects the customer experience, which is unpredictable, says Knapp.What to Cover in Retail Sales Associate InterviewsWhat attracts the candidate to the company brandExperiencesgood and badthat the candidate has had in the store and with the brandHow the candidate handles conflict with co-workersHow the candidate has handled disappointed customersHow the candida te manages conflicting priorities, such as when the phone rings just as a customer approachesRecruiting TipPick up clues as soon as the candidate walks in the door, says Deborah Fowler, director of the retail management program at Texas Tech University in Lubbock.Retail has lots of downtime and involves a lot of housekeeping as well as routine customer interaction.Does this candidate intuitively hold the door open for a customer? Straighten something on a shelf? You are looking for someone who is attuned to such details.Recruit to Retain your Retail Sales AssociatesPotential retail sales associate career advancement may includeShift coachRetail store managerCategory managerSales coach or trainerRelated jobs includeMarketing assistant or coordinatorVisual merchandiserBuyer or assistant buyerRecruiting TipSometimes jaded Millennials can be a hard sellfor potential employers, says retail hiring consultant Bob Phibbs, whose company is The Retail Doctor. Herecommends thinking of yourself as a casting director and telling the candidate, We are looking for the best. Well invest in you, and youll work with people like you. How great is that?How to Retain Retail Sales AssociatesCommissions, bonuses and other performance incentivesSpecialty training and expertiseRecruiting TipLet them know that theyll get new job skills, whether they are with you for three months or three years, says Phibbs. Make sure they know that they will be gaining skills that they will need to be successful in any job.More ResourcesRetail Salesperson Job Description SampleHow to Hire a Retail Sales Representative Job SkillsHow to Source and Interview Retail Sales Representatives
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
New SES Book Explains How to Join the Governments Senior Executive Service
New SES Book Explains How to Join the Governments Senior Executive tafelgeschirrNew SES Book Explains How to Join the Governments Senior Executive ServiceNew SES Book Explains How to Join the Governments Senior Executive ServiceWant to join Americas most elite group of senior professionals, the Senior Executive Service (SES)?Already there and eying another position? The Federal Governments Office of Personnel Management (OPM) estimates that as many as 50% of federal senior executives employed at the start of 2011 will leave government by the end of 2015. The mass departure of these Baby Boom-generation federal executives will create a crucial need for strong new Federal workforce leaders. But if you want to join the SES, you first must learn how to jump through many application hoops. These are not easy jobs to get.The New SES Application, the latest title from noted Federal Career authors Kathryn Troutman and Diane Hudson Burns and award-winning Federal Career Publishers, adeptly co vers the challenges and intricacies of applying for the best Federal jobs available today, the Senior Executive Service (SES). This just-released book covers all new changes in SES applications since the Office of Personnel Managements (OPM) decision in 2008 to pilot a new method for SES applications, adopted by many agencies since 2009. Now is the time to think SES, as the OPM predicts a surge of retirements by senior executive Baby Boomers over the next four years.Part of the challenge is that these are the most senior Federal civil tafelgeschirr jobs, and have highly demanding technical and leadership qualifications. Another challenge comes from President Obamas 2010 initiative calling for improvements in federal recruitment and hiring. Applying for SES positions can be confusing.The process of applying for SES has changed a lot recently, notes Federal Job Guru Kathryn Troutman, one of the co-authors of The New SES Application (Fall 2011, $21.95, 189 pp.). Theyre trying to get ri d of the separate essay-style narratives, the 10-page Executive Core Qualification Statements (ECQs), and they created a comprehensive five-page SES federal resume to replace it. Not all the agencies are doing it, so the book was created to cover all the various possible requirements.Her co-author Diane Hudson Burns notes that applicants need to scrutinize their selected vacancy announcements carefully. The announcements will reveal which SES application format should be used. Chapter 3 explains how to analyze announcements and it describes the different formats in use.However I would suggest you prepare a full SES application in advance, Hudson Burns says. Then, when an announcement is posted, you can customize the documents to fit the specific opening. Otherwise, you might be scrambling and miss an application deadline.Books from Federal Career Publishers, a division of Troutmans Resume distribution policy, are known for their top-rate samples of resumes and other application piec es, and this most recent title is no exception (see Chapter 9). Another helpful feature of The New SES Application is Chapter 7, Lessons Learned. Its the What Not To Do chapter. Its based on actual feedback applicants received from OPM, reveals Troutman, and includes crucial writing tips and the main reasons an application might be rejected.This book presents a process for writing the application package based on years of in-class training experience. The authors recommend kick-starting the writing by drafting a list of your Top 10 Accomplishments (Chapter 4). Thank you, David Letterman, Troutman joked. When you write your accomplishments, and spell out what youve done, it gives you a solid starting place.Wondering if youre SES ready? The Leadership Journey chart at the beginning of Chapter 2 can help as it displays the competencies required at the different management levels in federal government. The chart can also help you plan for a federal senior-executive career. Additionally, the book is a great resource for employees being groomed within a government agency for SES through a Federal Candidate Development Program.The SES hiring process uses the application and the interview together to score candidates. The structured interview format is the most popular for SES, notes Troutman (see Chapter 8).A two-day intensive SES workshop run by the Resume Place utilizes The New SES Application as a text. The workshop offers support on application writing and interview prep for federal managers and administrators, military officers and senior enlisted, as well as private industry executives considering SES careers. Attendees learn about the SES corps, develop a 5-page SES federal resume, and practice their interviews using video and class feedback. The next scheduled SES Application Writing Course is January 17-18 in Catonsville, MD.It can take 20 hours or more to write a SES application package. Troutmans firm also offers consulting and writing services for time-pr essed executives and others who need support beyond the book. Bryan Hochstein is an SES applicant who decided to turn to the Resume Place for help in writing his application and prepping for the interview. They obviously have the experience, and understand the process, he observed. Out of fifty candidates, I was among the top five who qualified for an interview. Another one of Hudson Burns clients received three SES job interviews and two job offers after working with her on a SES application. I have been dreaming of obtaining an SES position for 25 years, the applicant revealed. You helped me achieve a personal goal.Writing the SES application is really about articulating leadership, explains Hudson Burns. Its a complex process, but it is necessary to meet the SES requirements. The book explains all the nuances of the application process clearly, including development of what I call the super resume, the new five-page SES/ECQ combined resume.More information and easy online orderin g
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Detecting Ocean Pollution
Detecting Ocean Pollution Detecting Ocean Pollution After mora than a decade of study and research, an MIT mechanical engineering professors work in early detection of where pollutants in the ocean will make landfall may be getting traction in the real world.Prof. Thomas Peacock, an associate professor who teaches courses in mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, and experimental techniques, is active with researchers across the globe studying ocean dynamics and environmental flows. A key aspect of this work is how the movement of pollutants is controlled by invisible structures, called Lagrangian coherent structures. The ability to identify where pollutants, whether from an oil spill or debris from a flut, may damage a coastline can enable better and earlier disaster response.The Deep Water Horizon oil spill and the Tohoku tsunami that hit the coast of Fukushima focused public attention on environmental issues, Peacock says, and highlighted how tough it is to predict where p ollution goes in the ocean. Any new techniques that could shed light on this would be of great use, he says.Thats exactly the focus of his work, which also draws on his background in dynamic systems theory, a branch of mathematics. Its an exciting field to be in and there has been huge progress in the last four or five years, Peacock says. It had been hard to make sense of because the flows are so complex. Even though Leonardo da Vinci did a good job of drawing vortices in fluid motion that he saw in rivers some 500 years ago, being able to say what they are and describe them mathematically has been tough, he adds.The developing tiger tail in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. (a) The eigenvector fields. (b) The strainlines responsible for shaping the tiger tail. Image Thomas PeacockComputer ModelsRecent methods of tracking ocean contaminants involved computer models estimating the likelihood a pollutant would travel a certain path. While more advanced than traditional methods, it doe snt offer insight into why things went to one location and not another. Lagrangian coherent structure analysis helps identify barriers to the flow, which, in turn, facilitates the analysis of where particles are going to flow.Now, the techniques have evolved so much that Peacock has had conversations with at least one major oil company about implementing the methods into oil spill strategies, and he is helping predict where debris from the 2011 Tohoku tsunami continues to hit the U.S. and Canadian west coast and is expected to continue for perhaps another five years.Whats so exciting is unterstellung methods that we write about in scientific papers are becoming things that people are using in the everyday world, he says. The main thing for me is the applicability to real-world problems that these methods are taken up and used alongside existing techniques. The next milestone for Prof. Peacock will be the results of a project taking place early in 2014 in the South China Sea off the coast of Taiwan. Funded by the U.S. Department of Defenses Office of Naval Research, the study involves using data measuring the oceans surface currents from high frequency radargert to predict where the particular structures are and verifying those predictions by having a research vessel travel to those locations. If thats successful, thats a step toward having a monitoring system to identify where these structures are and be able to know at any particular time the state of the ocean and where things are going to go, he says. In some cases, decisions relying on this information can be very important. In the case of search and rescue operations, it can be a matter of life and death.Real-Life ApplicationsAs a tool for understanding transport by any fluid flow, the techniques being developed have broad applications, not limited to ocean and geophysical flows. Our lives are spent living in fluids, says Peacock. Someone in industry could use this to understand mixing in combustion cham bers someone in a hospital to understand injecting fluid into something and how it will be transported. A professor at Berkeley is using these techniques to understand blood flow and heart. Others are looking at how these structures impact the ease of travel of all sorts of transports from airplanes to autos and whether new alert systems could help vehicles avoid some of these invisible barriers.The possibility of so many practical uses for this new technique is one reason Peacock gets so excited with each step forward in his own work even though his focus is mainly on the ocean. I would hope that the actual technique is something that will become a widely used tool throughout of engineering working with fluid flows, he says.Early detection of where pollutants in the ocean will make landfall may be getting traction in the real world.Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer.Whats so exciting is these methods that we write about in scientific papers are becoming things that people are using in the everyday world.Prof. Thomas Peacock, MIT
Saturday, December 7, 2019
How to Find Resume for a High School Student
How to Find Resume for a High School Student Let prospective employers know the student is prepared to do good work which will just improve with greater experience. Every student has some experience developing their communication abilities. Though most students are not going to have a good deal of specialist experience, its important to emphasize the experiences they do have. Students without a work experience should consist of details like interpersonal abilities, achievements at school or college level, hobbies along with interests that are related to the job. If you get a vocational certificate that may help in the job that youre applying for, include it here. Last, the ansicht should state the particular sort of job the student is interested in right now. An academic advisor, based on the period of time you spent with them, is another fantastic choice for a reference. Either can demonstrate the dean youre more than only an application. Requirements for obtaining a ca ddy position include understanding the game of golf and the course in which you work, and the capability to stand or walk for lengthy lengths of time. It can be inviting to embellish your resume, and you will possibly get the job, but in the long run, it is going to come back to bite you once you cant deliver on your promises. For the next paragraph youre likely to want to speak about your school work. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a terrific experience section. Keep reading to discover our top 3 strategies for writing a winning high school resume. You may be a great team player. If you do think theres a shared interest, I would greet the opportunity to meet up with you to hear more regarding your company, the essentials of the position, and the way my skills would be a superior fit. While networking in your neighborhood will most likely supply you with loads of leads, you might also have a look at sites like Sittercity to find more. Or, in the event that you already know what kind of career youd love to get started chasing, a job may be an experience-building stepping stone. Make an experience category if youve held a conventional job, run a side company, or earned money by supplying manual labor for neighbors. There are particular pitfalls you will need to stay away from when writing a high school resume. With a tiny bit of creativity and some thought about your top abilities, it is possible to find a fantastic position and commence your work history. As soon as you own a list of your strengths and abilities, and youve identified the important requirements of work, it isnt hard to tailor your resume employing a high school resume template. Concentrate on highlighting relevant coursework to the job youre applying for. What Resume for a High School Student Is - and What it Is Not Students should know what type of job they would like to escape school and where they need to be five to ten years down the street. Some students are fortunate enough to find employment related to their studies. High school students may require a resume to submit an application for work or as an element of a university application. Most high school students have a tendency to make an application for a food services position. If you are feeling your present GPA is impressive, you can include it here as well. A normal college application doesnt always provide a student room to highlight all her or his accomplishments and experience. Next, you will discover how to create a college resume prepared for the big leagues Youve just what it requires to be successful in college. Employing a high school student resume template can help you to fill your resume to your strong points. Especially for a first resume, employing a template is a superb idea. For instance, a student interested in medicine might want to be a certified lifeguard, which would enable them to learn lifesaving skills like CPR. Students who su ccessfully schliff the program might be qualified for conversion to a permanent job in the civil support. Understanding Resume for a High School Student Additionally, be sure youre not utilizing an unprofessional email address. The notion is for you to impart your abilities and knowledge online through tutoring, and there are in fact some sites that let you to set your own prices. Use that as a guide to make certain you include pertinent info. An excellent approach to begin on your resume as a high school student is to examine examples of resumes and read tips about what to include and the way to format your resume. What You Dont Know About Resume for a High School Student If youre looking to submit an application for a lifeguard position, your resume objective should mention all certifications you have gotten. At the conclusion of your internship, you will have relevant experience that will help you decide if starting your career in the discipline of your internship is the best choice for you. Many times, the job is preceded by a simple assessment to learn your qualification and suitability as an on-line tutor. There are a number of ways to discover an internship you want.
Monday, December 2, 2019
No One Reads My Emails (
No One Reads My Emails ( Do you ever send out carefully crafted emails packed full of useful information and wait for a reply that never comes? It can be extremely frustrating to feel like youre talking and no one is listening. Some company leaders like Phil Libin are actually trying to eradicate emailing from the everyday workflow. Most of us without communication robots roaming around the office dont have the luxury of getting rid of email just yet. The key to getting your emails read and acted upon is keeping your audience in mind. Many of us craft emails in a format that is convenient for us, with little regard for the reader.The SubjectWhat we will often do, is search for the email address were looking for, and instead of sending a new email, we will simply reply to the latest email conversation that pops-up. Email 101 Your subject should be clear and relevant. If this subject line has bedrng nishing to do with what youre talking about, it will completely throw the reader off. Lets say that the subject line indicates that you are addressing an ancient project that has no need to be revisited. The reader will probably either not click on that email at all, or put it at the bottom of the pile.If the email is timely or urgent, notenzeichen that in the subject line. If this is a communication that does not require immediate action, perhaps a When You Get Time would help the reader to assess their email situation. Note the level of urgency and reference the actual subject of the email in the subject line.The Super Ambiguous ForwardThis happens all the time, and I think we are all guilty of it. I will often come across interesting articles, slide shares, newsletters and sites that I pass along to my team. Sometimes the ideas will require action and other times I would just like them to read the information. Simply forwarding something with no context is annoying for the reader . What are they supposed to do with this information or take away from it?Then there is the even more ambiguous forward of an email conversation. Looping someone in on a conversation is great, but give them some guidance. If they need to read the whole conversation, note that and let them know why. If the only part that is relevant to them is last email, just send that. It is extremely time consuming for someone to go through a dozen back-and-forth emails and try to decipher which part is relevant to them. There are instances where I simply need a team member to get acclimated to the tone and conversation of a client. If this is the case, that should be noted with the forward. Dont forget the why in forwards.Soliciting a ResponseI love pumping my team full of information. I am constantly sharing designs I love, industry trends that I hate or informative articles that I think would be of use to them. Although these emails dont directly solicit a response, when I dont hear back about them I feel like all of these ideas that Im excited about and took the time to share are falling on deaf ears.I started to get frustrated and felt like no one was open to my ideas but this wasnt the case. If an email doesnt solicit a response, you shouldnt expect one. I learned that if I want a response, I simply have to ask for it. My team now knows that every email needs a response, even if it is as simple as, Got it.Read From the Other SideAgain, keeping the audience in mind when crafting email is the key to getting them read and properly acted upon. Once you have an email written, read it as though you are receiving it. Is the tone appropriate for the message? Are the proper attachments present? And most importantly, does this email make sense to the reader? What might be perfectly clear to you may have absolutely no context to the reader.
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